Google Scholar Citations
Journal Publications
37. U. Fric, Z. Levnajić, D. Modic, B. Rončević, Industrial symbiosis networks supporting circularity: Understanding complexity, cyclicality and resilience, Environmental Technology & Innovation 37, 104026, 2025.
36. M. Lesar, J. Sajovic, D. Novaković, M. Primožič, E. Vetrih, M. Sajovic, A. Žnidaršič, P. Rogelj, A. Daffertshofer, Z. Levnajić, G. Drevenšek, The complexity of caffeine's effects on regular coffee consumers, Heliyon 11, e41471, 2025.
35. N. Damij , Z. Levnajić , D. Modic , J. Suklan, Challenges and Limitations of Pandemic Information Systems: A Literature Review, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, doi: 10.1109/TEM.2023.3328894, 2023.
34. J. Joksomović, M. Perc, Z. Levnajić, Self-organization in Slovenian public spending, Journal of the Royal Society Open Science 10, 221279, 2023.
33. M. Jović, L. Šubelj, T. Golob, M. Makarovič, T. Yasseri, D. Boberić Krstićev, S. Škrbić, Z. Levnajić, Terrorist attacks sharpen the binary perception of “Us” vs. “Them”, Scientific Reports 13, 12451, 2023.
32. A. Crnkić, J. Povh, V. Jaćimović, Z. Levnajić, Collective dynamics of phase-repulsive oscillators solves graph coloring problem, Chaos 30, 033128, 2020 (Featured article and AIP Scilight).
31. A. Zorko, M. Frühwirth, N. Goswami, M. Moser, Z. Levnajić, Heart Rhythm Analyzed via Shapelets Distinguishes Sleep From Awake, Frontiers in Physiology 10, 1554, 2020.
30. A. Guazzini, S. Panerati, V. Filindassi, S. Collodi, Z. Levnajić, Social norm spreading in real and virtual environments: Pro-social versus pro-self norm, International Conference on Internet Science 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11938, pp 75-90, 2019.
29. V. Grote, Z. Levnajić, H. Puff, T. Ohland, N. Goswami, M. Frühwirth, M. Moser, Dynamics of Vagal Activity Due to Surgery and Subsequent Rehabilitation, Frontiers in Neuroscience 13, 1116, 2019.
28. I. Tokuda, Z. Levnajić, K. Ishimura, A practical method for estimating coupling functions in complex dynamical systems, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377, 20190015, 2019.
27. M. Grau Leguia, Z. Levnajić, L. Todorovski, B. Ženko, Reconstructing dynamical networks via feature ranking, Chaos 29, 093107, 2019 (Editor's Pick).
26. M. Faggian, F. Ginelli, F. Rosas, Z. Levnajić, Synchronization in time-varying random networks with vanishing connectivity, Scientific Reports 9, 10207, 2019.
25. A. Guazzini, F. Stefanelli, E. Imbimbo, D. Vilone, F. Bagnoli, Z. Levnajić, Humans best judge how much to cooperate when facing hard problems in large groups, Scientific Reports 9, 5497, 2019.
24. M. Grau Leguia, C. G. B. Martínez, I. Malvestio, A. T. Campo, R. Rocamora, Z. Levnajić, R. G. Andrzejak, Inferring directed networks using a rank-based connectivity measure, Physical Review E 99, 012319, 2019.
23. N. Simidjievski, J. Tanevski, B. Ženko , Z. Levnajić, L. Todorovski, S. Džeroski, Decoupling approximation robustly reconstructs directed dynamical networks, New Journal of Physics 20, 113003, 2018.
22. K. Ban, M. Perc, Z. Levnajić, Robust clustering of languages across Wikipedia growth, Journal of the Royal Society Open Science 4, 171217, 2017 (featured in Taha Yasseri's blog).
21. M. Grau Leguia, R. G. Andrzejak, Z. Levnajić, Evolutionary optimization of network reconstruction from derivative-variable correlations, Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 50, 334001, 2017.
20. B. Tadić, M. Andjelković, B. Mileva Boshkoska, Z. Levnajić, Algebraic Topology of Multi-Brain Connectivity Networks Reveals Dissimilarity in Functional Patterns during Spoken Communications, PLoS ONE 11, e0166787, 2016.
19. A. Guazzini, D. Vilone, C. Donati, A. Nardi, Z. Levnajić, Modeling crowdsourcing as collective problem solving, Scientific Reports 5, 16557, 2015 (featured in New Scientist).
18. N. Damij, Z. Levnajić, V. Rejec Skrt, J. Suklan, What motivates us for work? Intricate web of factors beyond money and prestige, PLoS ONE 10, e0132641, 2015.
17. L. Šubelj, M. Bajec, A. Kastrin, B. Mileva Boshkoska, Z. Levnajić, Quantifying the Consistency of Scientific Databases,
PLoS ONE 10, e0127390, 2015.
16. Z. Levnajić, I. Mezić, Ergodic theory and visualization. II. Fourier mesochronic plots visualize (quasi)periodic sets, Chaos 25, 053105, 2015 (cover article).
15. Z. Levnajić, A. Pikovsky, Untangling complex dynamical systems via derivative-variable correlations, Scientific Reports 4, 5030, 2014.
14. B. Lužar, Z. Levnajić, J. Povh, M. Perc, Community Structure and the Evolution of Interdisciplinarity in Slovenia's Scientific Collaboration Network, PLoS ONE 9, e94429, 2014.
13. O. N. Yaveroglu, N. Malod-Dognin, D. Davis, Z. Levnajić, Vuk Janjić, R. Karapandža, A. Stojmirović, N. Pržulj, Revealing the Hidden Language of Complex Networks, Scientific Reports 4, 4547, 2014.
12. Z. Levnajić, Derivative-variable correlation reveals the structure of dynamical networks, European Physical Journal B 86, 298, 2013.
11. Z. Levnajić, Evolutionary Design of Non-frustrated Networks of Phase-repulsive Oscillators, Scientific Reports 2, 967, 2012.
10. Z. Levnajić, Emergent Multistability and Frustration in Phase-repulsive Networks of Oscillators, Physical Review E 84, 016231, 2011.
9. Z. Levnajić, A. Pikovsky, Network Reconstruction from Random Phase Resetting, Physical Review Letters 107, 034101, 2011.
8. Z. Levnajić, A. Pikovsky, Phase Resetting of Collective Rhythm in Ensembles of Oscillators, Physical Review E 82, 056202, 2010.
7. Z. Levnajić, T. Prosen, Chaotic Dephasing in a Double-slit Scattering Experiment, Chaos 20, 043118, 2010.
6. Z. Levnajić, B. Tadić, Stability and Chaos in Coupled Two-dimensional Maps on Gene Regulatory Network of Bacterium E. coli, Chaos 20, 033115, 2010.
5. Z. Levnajić, I. Mezić, Ergodic Theory and Visualization. I. Mesochronic Plots for Visualization of Ergodic Partition and Invariant Sets, Chaos 20, 033114, 2010.
4. B. Tadić, Z. Levnajić, Robust Dynamical Effects in Traffic and Chaotic Maps on Trees, Pramana - Journal of Physics 70, 6, 1-10, 2008.
3. Z. Levnajić, Dynamical Regularization in Scalefree-trees of Coupled 2D Chaotic Maps, Lecture Notes on Computer Science 5102, 584-592, 2008.
2. Z. Levnajić, B. Tadić, Self-organization in Trees and Motifs of Two-dimensional Chaotic Maps with Time Delay, Journal of Statistical Mechanics - Theory and Experiment, P03003, 2008.
1. Z. Levnajić, B. Tadić, Dynamical Patterns in Scalefree Trees of Coupled 2D Chaotic Maps, Lecture Notes on Computer Science 4488, 633-640, 2007.
Conference Publications
16. M. Petrović, Z. Levnajić, A. Meštrović, "Analysis of the COVID-19 Communication on Twitter via Multilayer Network" in: Proc. "3rd International Symposium on Automation, Information and Computing (ISAIC 2022)", 377-384, 2022.
15. Z. Levnajić "Reconstructing coupling functions versus reconstructing interaction strengths" in: Proc. “Dynamics Days Europe 2015”, Exeter, September, 2015.
14. Z. Levnajić "Unraveling Network Topology from Derivative-Variable Correlations" in: Proc. "2015 SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems", Snowbird, May, 2015.
13. A. Zorko, Z. Levnajić "Diagnosing mental disorders as a result of changes in the autonomic nervous system function" in: Proc. “Information Technologies and Information Society”, Šmarješke toplice, November, 2014.
12. Uroš Mesojedec , Zoran Levnajić "Assessing the potentials of cloud-native applications" in: Proc. “Information Technologies and Information Society”, Šmarješke toplice, November, 2014.
11. Z. Levnajić, B. Lužar, J. Povh, M. Perc "Interdisciplinarity of Slovenian research" in: Proc. “Information Technologies and Information Society”, Dolenjske toplice, November, 2013.
10. N. Damij, F. Jelenc, Z. Levnajić “Simulation of Clinical Functioning Processes as Complex Network” in: Proc. “WSEAS European Computing Conference”, Dubrovnik, June, 2013.
9. Z. Levnajić “Dynamical Networks Reconstructed from Time Series” in: Proc. “Information Technologies and Information Society”, Dolenjske toplice, November, 2012.
8. Z. Levnajić, A. Pikovsky “Phase-response Curves in Ensembles and Networks of Coupled Oscillators” in: Proc. “Nonlinear Dynamics on Networks”, Kyiv, July, 2010.
7. Z. Levnajić, A. Pikovsky “Phase-resetting Curves in Ensembles of Coupled Oscillators” in: Proc. “Networks: A Framework for Cross Disciplinary Applications”, Zaragoza, February, 2010.
6. Z. Levnajić, B. Tadić “Instabilities in the Gene Regulatory Network of E.Coli” in: Proc. “Self-assembly and Self-organization at Surfaces and Interfaces”, Cambridge, December, 2008.
5. Z. Levnajić, B. Tadić “Localization and Dynamical Clustering in Scalefree Networks of Coupled 2D Maps” in: Proc. 2nd Warsaw School of Statistical Physics, Kazimierz Dolny, June, 2007.
4. Z. Levnajić, B. Tadić “Collective Dynamic Behavior between Order and Chaos in Coupled Map Networks” in: Proc. 4th Ann. Meeting ”COST Action P10”, Palermo, September, 2007.
3. Z. Levnajić, B. Tadić “Cluster-synchronization of Coupled 2D Chaotic Maps on Scalefree Trees and Small Graphs” in: Proc. Int. Symp. on “Synchronization in Complex Networks”, Leuven, July, 2007.
2. Z. Levnajić , B. Tadić “Dynamical Patterns and Localization in Scalefree Networks of 2D Chaotic Maps” in: Proc. “Workshop on Self-assembly & Properties of Complex Patterns”, Portorož, September, 2006.
1. Z. Levnajić, T. Prosen “Dynamical Decoherence in a Double-slit Scattering Experiment” in: Proc. “Dynamics Days Europe 2006”, Hersonissios, September, 2006.
Invited Talks
7. "Complex networks: Where physics and computer science meet", Department of Informatics, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, 2016.
6. ”Physics and Complex Networks”, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, 2015.
5. ”Reconstructing network structure from dynamical signals”, International Conference on Discrete Models of Complex Systems, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2014.
4. “Network topology reconstructed from derivative-variable correlations”, Department of Computing, Imperial College London, London, UK, 2013.
3. “Self-organization in Modular Networks and Modeling of Gene Dynamics”, Society of Mathematicians and Physicians, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, 2009.
2. “Strange (Nonchaotic) Attractors in Coupled Chaotic Maps on Motifs”, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Delhi University, New Delhi, India, 2008.
1. “Visualization of Invariant Sets in Dynamical Systems”, Department of Theoretical Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2006.
2. Z. Levnajić Modular Gene Dynamics and Network Theory at Mesoscopic Scale, PhD Thesis, Department of Theoretical Physics, Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2009.
1. Z. Levnajić Ergodic Partition Theory and Visualization of Invariant Sets and Resonances in Discrete Dynamical Systems, MSc Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of California Santa Barbara, USA, 2005.
Editorial Work
5. Frontiers in Physics (Frontiers publisher), Review Editor.
4. “Frontiers in ICT: towards Web 3.0”, Peter Lang, Hamburg, 2014.
3. “Facing ICT Challenges in Social Media”, Peter Lang, Hamburg, 2014.
2. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society, Dolenjske toplice, November, 2013.
1. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society, Dolenjske toplice, November, 2012.
Contributed Talks at Conferences
15. "Reconstructing coupling functions versus reconstructing interaction strengths", Dynamics Days Europe 2015, Exeter, UK, September, 2015.
14. "Unraveling Network Topology from Derivative-Variable Correlations", SIAM Conference on Dynamical Systems, Snowbird, USA, May, 2015.
13. “Looking for stable pluralism”, Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society, Dolenjske toplice, Slovenia, November 2013.
12. “Dynamical Networks Reconstructed from Time Series”, Conference on Information Technologies and Information Society, Dolenjske toplice, Slovenia, November 2012.
11. “Reconstructing Network Topologies”, Symposium on Complex Network Analysis: From Graph Theory to Systems Biology, Hall in Tirol, Austria, October 2012 .
10. “Phase-response Curves in Ensembles and Networks of Coupled Oscillators”, Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics on Networks, Kyiv, Ukraine, July 2010.
9. “Phase-resetting of Collective Oscillations in Networks”, Symposium on Dynamics of Oscillators and Structures, Fritz Haber Institute, Berlin, Germany, 2010.
8. “Phase-resetting Curves in Ensembles of Coupled Oscillators”, Conference on Networks: A Framework for Cross Disciplinary Applications, University of Zaragoza, Spain, February 2010.
7. “Robustness and Flexibility in a Dynamical Model of E.Coli Gene Regulatory Network”, DFG Research Group Retreat: Mind and Brain Dynamics, Paewesin, Germany, May 2009.
6. “Dynamical Regularization in Scalefree-trees of Coupled 2D Chaotic Maps”, International Conference on Computational Science, Krakow, Poland, June 2008.
5. “Coupled 2D Chaotic Maps on Modular Networks and Motifs”, Workshop and Seminar on Bio-Inspired Complex Networks in Science and Technology, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, April 2008.
4. “Self-organization and Dynamical Patterns in Coupled Maps on Networks”, Conference on Non Equilibrium Phenomena in Condensed Matter, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi, India, February 2008.
3. “Dynamical Decoherene in Double-slit Scattering Experiment”, Trimester on Statistical Physics Out of Equilibrium, Institute Henri Poincare, Paris, France, October 2007.
2. “Collective Dynamics of Coupled Chaotic 2D Maps”, Trimester on Statistical Physics Out of Equilibrium, Institute Henri Poincare, Paris, France, September 2007.
1. “Robust Dynamical Effects in Traffic and Chaotic Maps on Trees”, 4th Annual Meeting COST Action P10, Palermo, Italy, September 2007.
Contributed Posters at Conferences
14. “Stability and Chaos in Directed E.Coli Gene Regulation Network”, Symposium on Frontiers in Network Science, Berlin, Germany, September 2009.
13. “Phase-resetting Curves of Oscillator Networks”, Dynamics Days Europe, G ̈ottingen, Germany, September 2009.
12. “Phase-resetting Phenomena in Ensembles of Oscillators”, Third Annual French Complex Systems Summer School, Complex Systems Institute, Paris, France, August 2009.
11. “Dynamics of Gene Regulation in E.Coli”, Conference on Self-assembly and Self-organization at Surfaces and Interfaces, Cambridge, UK, December 2008 (poster won a prize).
10. “Self-organization of Coupled Chaotic Maps”, Workshop on Networks, Complexity & Competition, Bled, Slovenia, May 2008.
9. “Inhibition of Chaos by Collective Network Dynamics”, Conference on Perspectives in Nonlinear Dynamics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, July 2007.
8. “Chaotic Maps Coupled via Scale-free Networks”, Symposium on Synchronization in Complex Networks, Leuven, Belgium, July 2007.
7. “Emergent Dynamics on Networks of Interacting Maps”, 2nd Warsaw School of Statistical Physics, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, June 2007.
6. “Quantum Dynamics in Classically Chaotic Domains”, Annual Meeting of Slovene Physicists, Gozd Martuljek, Slovenia, November 2006.
5. “Dynamical Decoherene in Double-slit Scattering Experiment”, Dynamics Days Europe, Crete, Greece, September 2006.
4. “2D Chaotic Maps Coupled on Scale-free Networks”, Workshop on Self-Assembly & Properties of Complex Patterns, Portorož, Slovenia, September 2006.
3. “Quantum Decoherene in Computational Double-slit Scattering Experiment”, Conference on Complex Systems and Nonextensive Statistical Mechanics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy, August 2006.
2. “d-ergodicity”, US Dynamics Days, Irvine, CA, USA, January 2005.
1. “Ergodic Theory and Scatter-plot Visualization of Invariant Sets”, US Dynamics Days, Chapel Hill, NC, USA, January 2004.
Media Coverage
2. "Crowdsourcing a solution works best if some don’t help" by Sarah Scoles, New Scientist, September 2015 (feature on the paper A. Guazzini, D. Vilone, C. Donati, A. Nardi, Z. Levnajić, Modeling crowdsourcing as collective problem solving, Sci. Rep. 5, 16557, 2015).
1. “With Insights from Physics Towards a Better World”, interview published in “Novi List”, Rijeka, Croatia, April 2009.